Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day Four - Doctor's Office

Elliot has an ear infection and an upper respiratory infection.  Jennie stayed home from work with her today and basically had to hold her all day.  Then tonight she threw up all over both of us and she still has a fever.  This week of blogging Elliot's life didn't really go as planned as she is the sickest that she has ever been.  I think we will take a break for a couple days and see if that turns things around for us.  Call us if you want an update and please keep praying for her.  


Sam and Mandy said...

Poor sick baby...what a week to try to capture her life on the blog. I think once she is better that you should start again! We will be praying for her!

missa said...

Darn germs. I'm sending positive thoughts your way. Hopefully, this will be the last bad round of sickness until she starts school :) GO ANTIBODIES GO! MUCH LOVE!