Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 3 - Sick Baby

Last night was pretty long.  It seemed like she woke up every two hours.  She couldn't breathe very well and so she was very restless.  We headed off to Ms. Angie's house with the agreement that Mom would leave work early if she got worse.  Elliot had a good day with her friends and she never got any worse, so Daddy picked her up after work.  Once we got home you could tell that she didn't feel very well.  She just moaned.  It was so sad, but cute at the same time (see video below).  When Mom got home she gave Elliot a steam bath to try to loosen up her lungs.  No such luck....  And she has a fever around 100, so it looks like it will be another long night...  We will see what tomorrow holds.  Please pray that she gets better!

***In response to the question in the comments from yesterday, she loves the shopping cart, which the carrot is a part of.  She just loves everything about it.  We can't wait until she can push it around.***

Elliot's first steam bath


nonni and pops said...

This baby makes us very sad:( How quickly things change with little ones. We are praying that you all have a restful night. Hugs and Kisses, Nonni & Pops

Pam said...

I hate when babies don't feel good. Poor thing. Aunt Pammy prays that she feels better soon.
Love you all.

Sam and Mandy said...

That is the saddest yet cutest video. I hope she is feeling better today.

The Buster Bunch said...

Oh that is so sad! Poor baby! I'm glad the doctor gave her some drugs. Hopefully this will pass quickly!

JT and Katie said...

Aww, what a sad little sound. Hope Elliot feels better soon.

We need to have another play date, we will come to you guys this time...let us know.

missa said...

Booo...sad video. Get well, Elliot! LOVE YOU GUYS! Aunt *Missa*

Reese Family said...

Awww, that's no fun! (but she is so cute while she's sick!) Praying for a happy and healthy Elliot! :)

By the way, this is such a cute idea to blog every day! Love the pics and videos!