Charleigh Jo is here! She was born at 10:23 am on Monday, April 4th. She was 6 lb 11 oz and 19.5 in long. Now, for the quick birth story...
Jennie decided to pick up one more shift on Sunday, April 3rd, so she started her shift at 6:30 pm and started feeling labor pains shortly there after. Her patient had to get a C-section so she worked that surgery while breathing through contractions and then at about 1:30 am they sent her home. She came home and showered and grabbed her bags, while we called Nonni to come over to stay with Elliot. Then we headed to the hospital. Her water broke at about 5:30 am and she delivered at 10:30 ish. So, Jennie worked literally until up until Charleigh was born. They were joking that she was the only person to have been on the clock the same day that she delivered!
We have been home for two weeks and everyone is doing great! Elliot is really sweet to her and is a great helper around the house. Here are a couple of pictures from the last two weeks.
The first time that Elliot and Charleigh met
Yea!! Congrats to you all. Miss you guys
I love it!!!! We sure miss you guys!!!
Congrats Jenny!!
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