I can't believe that Charleigh is already one! The year has flown by! She is such a good baby. She is so sweet. She is always giving open mouth kisses to everyone. She loves her sister and looks up to her more than anyone. Her first word was "A-yet" which translates to Elliot and she always has to know where Ell is and what she is doing. Elliot is just as sweet with her too! Always looking out for her. They are so much fun.
Char is also walking so she is in to everything. I think she may be the smallest walking person on earth! To go with her sweet side, she has an ornery side. If you turn your back on her she will bolt to some where she isn't supposed to be. She is talking quite a bit now too. She loves puppies (they are her rock stars). She just has the funniest personality. There will be lots of fun silly years to come with these two girls!
Here are some pictures of Char's party and I'm out of practice so the pictures are out of order.
AFTER!!!!! (please note the arm of the chair that she "painted")
Sweet sisters waiting for cake
Sweet one year old
Char's favorite present
Birthday Girl
Miss Piggy's cookies and Char's smash cake
Enjoying her favorite meal! Spaghetti! This girl can eat. She eats whatever we put in front of her
Little walker
Pretty girl
Showing off her owwy (and her tough face)
Such a happy baby